2019 Lake Cumberland Events

News only pertaining to Lake Cumberland

Moderators: E_, LC addict, FasterThanYou, crwky

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Posts: 14826
Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:26 pm
Marina/Ramp: Currently mostly out of Jamestown but spend a lot of time at the other Marinas.

Pre2012-Conley Bottom Mostly, Waitsboro, Alligator I&II ramps, Leesford, Pulaski County Park (when it has water), Grider, State Dock (via boat), and Jamestown are a few places you might find me.
Location: Kentucky (Lake Cumberland)

2019 Lake Cumberland Events

Post by E_ »

https://www.facebook.com/groups/LakeCum ... 810410801/

Ok All, State Dock has gotten on the ball, pre-scheduled several events and confirmed them with me. (Still always double check dates and times before the event) I have placed them in our events section https://www.facebook.com/g…/LakeCumberl ... om/events/ If you know for sure of events at other marinas etc. please go to that above link and add those events as well. All Marina events are welcome. If you just want to have a event that Lake Cumberland Boaters are invited to feel free to add that event too. PLEASE be sure your event is family friendly at least during the day light. Lets try to have more little raft-offs that can be shared with the group and get to see each other more. Share photos of your events here as well as the event you scheduled using the above link. We used to be a fairly together bunch of boaters inclusive of all. I have slacked on setting up events as life has been a bit more full for me the past 8 years. We could always use a events coordinator that would commit to not just working with Marinas and sponsors to setup events but also will attend, assist attendees with info, coordinate games etc. and be sure we are behaving as much as can be expected and not leave a bad impression. Maybe one day I can get back to it. Like I said if you know of another event and have good dates please add it in our events section for all. :-) Thanks E
LCB Events 2019.png
LCB Events 2019.png (888.91 KiB) Viewed 4458 times
State Dock Events 2019.png
State Dock Events 2019.png (1.6 MiB) Viewed 4458 times
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