Boat Explosion

For customers and slip holders of Grider Hill Marina

Moderators: E_, LC addict, FasterThanYou, crwky

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Marina/Ramp: Currently mostly out of Jamestown but spend a lot of time at the other Marinas.

Pre2012-Conley Bottom Mostly, Waitsboro, Alligator I&II ramps, Leesford, Pulaski County Park (when it has water), Grider, State Dock (via boat), and Jamestown are a few places you might find me.
Location: Kentucky (Lake Cumberland)

Boat Explosion... :-(

Post by E_ »

:( - Was posted on FB and I deleted it from facebook and also moved this post from the public forum temporarily per the request of one of the owners to give them time to notify others, - enough time has passed and after receiving a not so thankful and half accusatory message from one of the partial owners of the boat I believe its time to bring the post back out. Though the post copied below says about using blowers its sounds as it no one was using the boat at the time and it may have been a propane leak etc. (not confirmed)
Grider Boat Explode.png
Grider Boat Explode.png (506.29 KiB) Viewed 4800 times
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Marina/Ramp: Currently mostly out of Jamestown but spend a lot of time at the other Marinas.

Pre2012-Conley Bottom Mostly, Waitsboro, Alligator I&II ramps, Leesford, Pulaski County Park (when it has water), Grider, State Dock (via boat), and Jamestown are a few places you might find me.
Location: Kentucky (Lake Cumberland)

Boat Explosion

Post by E_ »

All , A boat exploded at Grider. :(

There were pics on our facebook page and a post on this site but the owner asked they be removed until they could speak with their family etc. I have another thread with pics here that I will put back out for the public once that happens.

If you have more pics feel free to hold on to them or send them to me but please refrain from posting just yet.



(update 6-5-2015 post brought back out and thus why the post above this one is showing up now)
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Marina/Ramp: Currently mostly out of Jamestown but spend a lot of time at the other Marinas.

Pre2012-Conley Bottom Mostly, Waitsboro, Alligator I&II ramps, Leesford, Pulaski County Park (when it has water), Grider, State Dock (via boat), and Jamestown are a few places you might find me.
Location: Kentucky (Lake Cumberland)

Re: Boat Explosion

Post by E_ »

_20150604_112554.JPG (199.37 KiB) Viewed 4784 times
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Re: Boat Explosion

Post by No Patience »

Wow, that is awful. You here of things like this happening and never think it will happen to you. Thankful that no one was on board or hurt. Were any other boats damaged?
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Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:26 pm
Marina/Ramp: Currently mostly out of Jamestown but spend a lot of time at the other Marinas.

Pre2012-Conley Bottom Mostly, Waitsboro, Alligator I&II ramps, Leesford, Pulaski County Park (when it has water), Grider, State Dock (via boat), and Jamestown are a few places you might find me.
Location: Kentucky (Lake Cumberland)

Re: Boat Explosion

Post by E_ »

Not that I heard
Buy American, the job you save just might be your own.
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