Cousin Ronnie isn't at the lake this week is he?
A cleaning lady catches an unexpected surprise leaving a church
PULASKI County, Ky. (WKYT) - A southern Kentucky pastor says he has an alert for his community. He says a woman cleaning at his church was approached by a man who didn't have any clothes on!
It happened at the White Oak Baptist Church in Nancy which is in Pulaski County.
It's the type of shock she say's she'll never forget. A woman cleaning the White Oak Baptist Church outside of Somerset, the other night was leaving when a man ran up to her nude from the waist down.
It happened Tuesday night. The woman cleaning the church was left alone to finish up when she noticed a truck in the parking lot but didn't think much of it.
As she was leaving her headlights lit up the truck, and at that moment the man jumped out wearing a cap, a shirt but no pants. The pastor explains that the man was even fondling himself. The victim did not want her name used but says she got an eyeful but was too shocked to see a description of the man.
The woman raced home where she told her husband. He then tracked the suspect's truck down but never got a look at the man. The truck is described as a dark Dodge Dakota with rust on the hood.
Both the victim and the pastor of the church say they are concerned because there is a school right across the road, and they're afraid this man may repeat his actions with children present.
The pastor says he has been contacted by another woman in the community that says a man driving the same truck exposed himself to her at the post office roughly a year ago.
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I know i shouldn't laugh. By the way this is the Church my wife grew up in and her Father and youngest brother both still attend. She texted her lil brother and asked him when did he start driving a dodge...