Neat 5 shipwrecks found from as far back as the 1st cent BC

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Neat 5 shipwrecks found from as far back as the 1st cent BC

Post by E_ » ... shipwrecks

part of the storyThu Jul 23, 9:30 am ET
ROME (Reuters) – A team of archaeologists using sonar technology to scan the seabed have discovered a "graveyard" of five pristine ancient Roman shipwrecks off the small Italian island of Ventotene.

The trading vessels, dating from the first century BC to the fifth century AD, lie more than 100 meters underwater and are amongst the deepest wrecks discovered in the Mediterranean in recent years, the researchers said on Thursday.
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Re: Neat 5 shipwrecks found from as far back as the 1st cent BC

Post by DMS »

BOSTON -- Researchers in Massachusetts are preparing to launch a search they hope will answer one of the great riddles of the Revolutionary War: Where is the final resting place of the British schooner, the HMS Diana?

During the Battle of Chelsea Creek, the British sailed the schooner up the river to provide support for their troops.

The ship ran aground and was later torched by Continental Army forces.

Now, Massachusetts has received a nearly $50,000 grant from the National Park Service to preserve the battlefield where the Battle of Chelsea Creek was fought.

That includes searching for any remnants of the HMS Diana that may still be buried along the banks of the river, which separates Chelsea from Boston.
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Re: Neat 5 shipwrecks found from as far back as the 1st cent BC

Post by MissSwitzerland »

I'd love to explore old shipwrecks like that. Only problem is there is no way you are going to get me that far under water, especially in the ocean!!!! [-( :-ss
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Re: Neat 5 shipwrecks found from as far back as the 1st cent BC

Post by E_ »

Wow, won't get high in the air or deep in the water... I can't believe you like having a fast boat... :-p
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