REALLY??? LOL - A man told police he wanted to scare his r

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REALLY??? LOL - A man told police he wanted to scare his r

Post by E_ »

A man told police he wanted to scare his roommate, but instead got a trip to jail.

Man Fires Shot Into Wall, Goes To Jail

Posted: April 17, 2009 05:41 AM EDT

Updated: April 17, 2009 06:13 AM EDT

A man told police he wanted to scare his roommate, but instead got a trip to jail.

Just before 1:30 a.m. Friday, police said 21-year-old William Daniel Burdine got into a fight with his roommate on Cricklewood Drive after a night of drinking.

The roommate had enough of the fighting and went to his room. That's when police said Burdine took out a gun, walked to the door and fired a shot into a wall.

The roommate was not hurt and called police.

Burdine is facing a charge of wanton endangerment. He's being held in the Fayette County Detention Center.
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