If you are a member of the Facebook page it is listed here:
The 2013 Forum party at State Dock is scheduled for the weekend of May 10, 11, and 12th. With most activities on the 11th including Cornhole and a live band
As usual there will be a corn hole tournament and pot luck on Saturday afternoon.
The band will be announced by State Dock at a later time.
(I think they may have already picked Ugly Early. Or is there one since it is Blues Fest?) Raptorlvr you out there?)
Updated, See ... 419#p42419
Great chance to kick off the boating season, meet some of your fellow Cyber friends, and make new ones as well.
Stay tuned to this event as well as , , and
...might even have a new more colorful shirt design for 2013.

2013 Forum Party Schedule
*Please note that all times are Central Time!*
Schedule of events
• Saturday Late afternoon – Cornhole Tournament: 4:00pm CT– Sign up sheet at boatel row. Note: Need a volunteer boatel group to manage this… on Saturday anytime until 3:00pm CT. If you sign up you must be present at the start of the event! I need a volunteer or two to help out with the tournament. $5 entry fee for each team. All entry fees collected will be given back out to the 1st and 2nd place teams. The cornhole tournament will be on the party barge located under the covered slip area on boatel row.
• Saturday evening – Following the Cornhole Tournament. Dinner – to be determined by what the group wants i.e. Eric’s poll. Location will be on boatel row. The party barge will be set up under the covered slip area by the rental boats. Tables and chairs will be set up on the party barge for your dining needs.
• Saturday All Day – Blues, Boats and BBQ Festival starting at 1:00pm CT. Admission is $15. Wrist bands will be sold and once you have a wrist band you can come and go as you please to hear the bands. If you just want to purchase food for carry out we will have separate wrist bands that are time stamped, for no charge.
• Sunday morning – The restaurant will be open for breakfast.