The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thread

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The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thread

Post by E_ »

I thought we had one of these already but I sure couldn't find it.

If you are a member of the Facebook page it is listed here:

The 2013 Forum party at State Dock is scheduled for the weekend of May 10, 11, and 12th. With most activities on the 11th including Cornhole and a live band

As usual there will be a corn hole tournament and pot luck on Saturday afternoon.

The band will be announced by State Dock at a later time.
(I think they may have already picked Ugly Early. Or is there one since it is Blues Fest?) Raptorlvr you out there?)
Updated, See ... 419#p42419

Great chance to kick off the boating season, meet some of your fellow Cyber friends, and make new ones as well.
Stay tuned to this event as well as , , and

Cornhole 2012_o (Custom).jpg
Cornhole 2012_o (Custom).jpg (97.82 KiB) Viewed 36459 times

...might even have a new more colorful shirt design for 2013. ;) Just working on some finishing touches and making sure the shirt will not cost TOOOO much more as it has more colors.

2013 Forum Party Schedule
*Please note that all times are Central Time!*

Schedule of events
• Saturday Late afternoon – Cornhole Tournament: 4:00pm CT– Sign up sheet at boatel row. Note: Need a volunteer boatel group to manage this… on Saturday anytime until 3:00pm CT. If you sign up you must be present at the start of the event! I need a volunteer or two to help out with the tournament. $5 entry fee for each team. All entry fees collected will be given back out to the 1st and 2nd place teams. The cornhole tournament will be on the party barge located under the covered slip area on boatel row.
• Saturday evening – Following the Cornhole Tournament. Dinner – to be determined by what the group wants i.e. Eric’s poll. Location will be on boatel row. The party barge will be set up under the covered slip area by the rental boats. Tables and chairs will be set up on the party barge for your dining needs.
• Saturday All Day – Blues, Boats and BBQ Festival starting at 1:00pm CT. Admission is $15. Wrist bands will be sold and once you have a wrist band you can come and go as you please to hear the bands. If you just want to purchase food for carry out we will have separate wrist bands that are time stamped, for no charge.
• Sunday morning – The restaurant will be open for breakfast.
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

Other info from the facebook event:
Other info.JPG
Other info.JPG (85.87 KiB) Viewed 36456 times
Raptorlvr - Due to circumstances beyond my control...the Blues Fest has been scheduled for the same weekend as the Forum Party...Personally, I think this is a GOOD THING! So, instead of one band on Saturday all get 7-8 bands throughout the day and into the wee hours of the night! So, gear up for one heck of an event!!!
· January 10 at 9:16am
Julie Gable likes this..

E Hillman What does that mean for setting up for cornhole, potluck, etc. ?
January 10 at 9:18am ·

Raptorlvr - Been thinking about that...We may have to do that on one (or both) of the party barges...
January 10 at 9:19am
January 10 at 9:21am

Skinny Dipper It's coincided with several events like this before and they all worked out well.
January 10 at 9:22am ·

E Hillman Raptorlvr, a couple other worries from past similar circumstances. Now will those just wanting to come to the forum party have to pay to get on the dock? Or since you are using the party barges will they be able to head out that way and then if they WANT to go to the other they can pay to? Other question, Boatels. Will they still be available? Just some questions/concerns.
January 10 at 10:26am

Raptorlvr - I just replied to the above questions...don't know what happened to it...I'll try again...Question #1: Forum party attendees will be able to come on the dock and go to the boatel row area without having to pay to see the bands. But, I hope eveyone plans to go and see some of the bands throughout the day/evening. Only the restaurant area will be closed off. The ship's store will also be accessible via the front entrance by the fuel piers. Question #2: Boatels will be available. Not sure of the rates but most likely will be similar to what we have charged in the past.
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ » appears the Spring Forums party will not have its own band this Spring (the fall one will), but will instead use the entertainment of the "Blues, Boats and BBQ fest "
Per ... pid=426474

I just wonder what this layout will do to the Potluck, Cornhole, Band Layout of years prior. If it throws off the Potluck etc. because of the BBQ I worry about those that only come down for a few hours. The fee to get to the band side just to eat might be a bit much for those individuals.

Guess we will see how it all goes this year.... As for now I'm going to plan to bring some Potluck items? ImageImage ImageImage
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

Shirt order thread started ... f=2&t=6224
I'm sure will have one soon as well. If you order here you don't need to there and vice versa.
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by bubbles »

guess what? i'll most likely be there this time! i will be off for surgery, recovering, but expect to be able to at least come play. I may need a boat ride....doubt i'll be able to mess around with loading and unloading it yet! :ymhug:
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

About time
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

Shirt orders submitted! Order thread closed.
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

Not long now!!!!!
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

Coming soon! Not this weekend but NEXT!
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »


Poll for Potluck or just attend the Blues Boats and BBQ Festival for dinner. started at 2013 Spring Forum Party (Potluck or BBQ?)

2013 Spring Forum Party (Potluck or BBQ?)

As most are aware this year's Spring Forum/s party is going to have the Blues Boats and BBQ happening the same weekend.

Do you guys want to continue to have our normal potluck or do you just want to go over and get BBQ? Some have said they would be ok with just doing the BBQ but some said they would prefer to not have to PAY to get into the BBQ area and then PAY for BBQ. Some may want to cook BBQ for the potluck. lol Heck I don't know. Just vote for what you want. :)

I'm ok with it either way and some of you may be as well but to keep confusion to a minimum, I'm going to force us to decide. Please if you are not attending the party just use the "Not attending" selection as to not skew the vote of those that will actually be there. ... ?tid=36310

(If you are not a member of you can post here what you want to do OR there is also a facebook poll in the Lake Cumberland group. )

This is GREAT NEWS for all IMO!!!

Raptorlvr posted
Forum members can go and get BBQ or order from the State Dock Grill inside the restaurant area but it must be carry - out. We will have separate wrist bands for this that are time stamped. No fair going in and enjoying the music without paying. The schedule for the forum party is pretty much same old, same old..."
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by re3too »

E_HILLMAN wrote:Not long now!!!!!
That's what she said! :D ;;) :-*
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

2013 Forum Party Schedule
*Please note that all times are Central Time!*

Schedule of events
• Saturday Late afternoon – Cornhole Tournament: 4:00pm CT– Sign up sheet at boatel row. Note: Need a volunteer boatel group to manage this… on Saturday anytime until 3:00pm CT. If you sign up you must be present at the start of the event! I need a volunteer or two to help out with the tournament. $5 entry fee for each team. All entry fees collected will be given back out to the 1st and 2nd place teams. The cornhole tournament will be on the party barge located under the covered slip area on boatel row.
• Saturday evening – Following the Cornhole Tournament. Dinner – to be determined by what the group wants i.e. Eric’s poll. Location will be on boatel row. The party barge will be set up under the covered slip area by the rental boats. Tables and chairs will be set up on the party barge for your dining needs.
• Saturday All Day – Blues, Boats and BBQ Festival starting at 1:00pm CT. Admission is $15. Wrist bands will be sold and once you have a wrist band you can come and go as you please to hear the bands. If you just want to purchase food for carry out we will have separate wrist bands that are time stamped, for no charge.
• Sunday morning – The restaurant will be open for breakfast.
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

E_HILLMAN wrote:Poll for Potluck or just attend the Blues Boats and BBQ Festival for dinner. started at 2013 Spring Forum Party (Potluck or BBQ?)
2013 Spring Forum Party (Potluck or BBQ?) ... ?tid=36310

(If you are not a member of you can post here what you want to do OR there is also a facebook poll in the Lake Cumberland group. )

Looks like BBQ is in the lead. However lets all try to get it at the same time and go back to the party barge tables that Raptorlvr has arranged to get setup so we can all come together. :):cool::)
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by Islander_212 »

I just noticed that your shirt logo has the State Dock sign on top of JRM's dock!. That is too funny! I can't believe no one has seen this yet...
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

lol, yep I mentioned it in the shirt thread that the shirt would be even neater for the Fall party. lol
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by MissSwitzerland »

We're coming down that weekend but will have kids with us so won't spend the whole weekend at the dock and will just pop in to visit. Will we have to pay to come see our forum peeps since it's the BBQ thing too?
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

Nope, Forum party area is Free admission. Raptorlvr worked that out for us.
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

THIS COMING WEEKEND!!! It will at least be warmer but for now they are calling for some wetness. :-/ ... 3359?day=7 Oh well hasn't stopped us from having fun before.

Not doing potluck for main meal (will just go over and get BBQ but if you want to bring something like cookies etc. to go with it that might be a idea)

Luv2ski aka LCK informed me that he has the shirts and they should be headed my way. That means I will have them as planned to take to the party with me on Saturday. For those that wanted their shirts shipped I will bring them to the party with me in case you show up and want it then. The week after the party I will start shipping to those that didn't get their shirts at the party.
Hey E
shirts are on their way!
One issue was the l/s yellow shirts were not available from bayside, so
two of the shirts are gold.
They all turned out great and really look good. Any issues with the
gold let me know, or any issues with any of the shirts
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by raptorlvr »

Islander_212 wrote:I just noticed that your shirt logo has the State Dock sign on top of JRM's dock!. That is too funny! I can't believe no one has seen this yet...
I noticed...
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by raptorlvr »

BTW, I will need help with the cornhole sign ups and also the cornhole tournament as well...I've had a few people (Islander_212) offer their help. Will be down at the dock on Friday and will get with those that have boatels to see who else is available to help. :)
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

Islander's offer wasn't good enough cause you worry if he will be back at the dock in time? lol
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by raptorlvr »

He's already on my list of helpers. :)
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by re3too »

Islander is usually always on someone's list, right? :D :D
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

You gonna come see me Saturday Re3? Forecast keeps looking better for the party. Thinking about driving to JRM and then taking the boat across the harbor (if it will start since I have not seen it since early December). Really meant to go down a couple weeks ago and plug up the charger.
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by re3too »

Tou know GWW won't come near... :(
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

:( I'm thinkin tomorrow afternoon might be beautiful! What about a rainy morning brunch? lol I miiiight come down early to see if the boat is still there and it starts. Doubt it on the latter. :-s
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by re3too »

When and where?
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

Well if Somerset it might would be more like breakfast but Jamestown would be more like brunch. Heck I don't know where or when at this point. Just found out JPatton is most likely going with me so I don't know what time we will leave and how I will be on time since I want to have time to pull the boat out of the storage and see if it starts etc. (might even launch it)
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by re3too »

I didn't want to see you anyways! :D ;;) :-* Just do your own thing! :-s #:-s
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

Just hold your britches! I'm workin things out with JP. lol
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by re3too »

Seriously...don't worry about it!
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

OIC whats goin on here You didn't wanna see me anyway. :P

I think JP and I are leaving around 8:30 or 9. Be down to Jamestown around 11? Brunch it is! lol
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by re3too »

You'd make a lil ole lady drive to see you? Don't think that will happen... Believe what you want, poopboy! Had to bring a bodyguard, skeerdy cat! :ymtongue:
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by E_ »

Well we WOULD Be going through scummerset. lol
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by re3too »

When and where? Name it!
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by Fall Creek »

Okay it's 7:45 am on Saturday morning. I am sitting here at work checking in on the website and I realize that everyone is at lake.

I hate you all!

Have fun at the party today, someone please push in into the water for me. Thanks!
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Re: The 2013 Spring Forum/s Party (At State Dock May 11) Thr

Post by re3too »

Just came back from seeing E and his bodyguard JP at the DQ in Somerset. There were no casualties! Dang, too many witnesses! :D ;;) :-*
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Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:26 pm
Marina/Ramp: Currently mostly out of Jamestown but spend a lot of time at the other Marinas.

Pre2012-Conley Bottom Mostly, Waitsboro, Alligator I&II ramps, Leesford, Pulaski County Park (when it has water), Grider, State Dock (via boat), and Jamestown are a few places you might find me.
Location: Kentucky (Lake Cumberland)

2013 Spring Forum/s Party Photos

Post by E_ »

You should have gotten a 24 hour virus and headed down Fall Creek! lol

Good seeing you and the better half Re3!

I think most everyone had fun. Some of us even took a boat ride. ;)
Share your pics if you have any!
Final Round - CornHole Champions Spring 2013!
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Posts: 14826
Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:26 pm
Marina/Ramp: Currently mostly out of Jamestown but spend a lot of time at the other Marinas.

Pre2012-Conley Bottom Mostly, Waitsboro, Alligator I&II ramps, Leesford, Pulaski County Park (when it has water), Grider, State Dock (via boat), and Jamestown are a few places you might find me.
Location: Kentucky (Lake Cumberland)

2013 Spring Forum/s Party Photos (SHARE EM IF YOU GOT EM!)

Post by E_ »

If you have any photos please share them, all of the ones (and more) that I posted here are also at: ... 801&type=1
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Buy American, the job you save just might be your own.
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Posts: 14826
Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:26 pm
Marina/Ramp: Currently mostly out of Jamestown but spend a lot of time at the other Marinas.

Pre2012-Conley Bottom Mostly, Waitsboro, Alligator I&II ramps, Leesford, Pulaski County Park (when it has water), Grider, State Dock (via boat), and Jamestown are a few places you might find me.
Location: Kentucky (Lake Cumberland)

PICs from Raptorlvr

Post by E_ »

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Buy American, the job you save just might be your own.
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