Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead Pics

Post your Lake Cumberland Pictures here!!!!! NON Rated X pictures that is!!!! Had a good trip? Start a new thread/topic with your trip pics... Start a thread for everyone to post their summer pics, Took a neat fall or winter cruise? Post some pics!!!

Moderators: E_, LC addict, FasterThanYou, crwky

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No Rated X Pics. No embarassing pics of someone that would not want them posted. You are responsible for what you post. Any pics could be deleted randomly.
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Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead Pics

Post by E_ »

Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters / Boating bonehead Pics

Ok, I figured it was time that this subject had a thread of its own. (maybe Islander and LC Addict have some pics to share from this past weekend. B-)

Here I will start it off:

The notorious (but now gone) Beached Houseboat
hb1.JPG (36.84 KiB) Viewed 13002 times
4thofjuly07030.jpg (21.6 KiB) Viewed 13002 times
The A-hole that was literally running over my anchor line one day in July 08 at least 6 times
I think the boat was called double trouble
DSCN3392 (Medium).JPG
DSCN3392 (Medium).JPG (50.9 KiB) Viewed 12990 times

8-30-2008 Holy Rollers took over the cumberland point ramp and pulled a tuber around and around in the no wake zone making their own type of rollers.
Cumberland Point Ramp Holy Roller Days 0831081402.jpg
Cumberland Point Ramp Holy Roller Days 0831081402.jpg (14.11 KiB) Viewed 13001 times
Same weekend people swimming in the State Dock no wake zone busy Labor Day weekend.
Swimming%20in%20State%20dock%20no%20wake%20zone%200830081518 (Medium).jpg
Swimming%20in%20State%20dock%20no%20wake%20zone%200830081518 (Medium).jpg (55.97 KiB) Viewed 12990 times
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Re: Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead Pics

Post by E_ »



Here is the anchor line rider once again (same one from above) and you can see how close he is heading towards the boat that was next to me... YIKES :-s
DSCN3409 (Medium).JPG
DSCN3409 (Medium).JPG (38.88 KiB) Viewed 12990 times
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Re: Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead Pics

Post by katie »

=)) Isn't there some kind of "sizing thingy" you can do to those pics so we can see what we're looking at? :p =))

[color=#BF0000]Hows that? E[/color]
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Re: Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead Pics

Post by FasterThanYou »

Don't have pictures but I do have a ton of stories.

The latest occurred a few weeks ago as I was towing the kids on a tube. The guy was right behind me and wouldn't get out of my wake even though I pulled over to the side thinking he'd get the hint. When he stayed behind the kids I just pulled way over and stopped and threw up my arms.

Him: What's the problem
Me: I have tubers behind me and your riding my tail (not what I would have said if the kids were not present)
Him: I was watching

I just shook my head and went on instead of having the kids see me lose my cool.

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Re: Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead Pics

Post by katie »

X( Faster, I would have taken his picture when he was behind you, gone around and got his numbers and reported his sorry a$$ for wreckless boating, endangerment or some kind of chit... If the cops don't want to do anything about it then post the pic all over the internet :-o , you tube or someplace. That is soooo wrong..... :|
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Re: Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead Pics

Post by katie »

katie wrote:=)) Isn't there some kind of "sizing thingy" you can do to those pics so we can see what we're looking at? :p =))

[color=#BF0000]Hows that? E[/color]

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Re: Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead Pics

Post by E_ »

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Re: Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead Pics

Post by imaposer »

A new challenge for when I get back on the water. I'll have to keep an extra battery on the boat for the camera to get pictures of every stupid idiot I see on the lake. Now, if the thread was about A-hole neighbors....... :D
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Re: Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead Pics

Post by FasterThanYou »

katie wrote:X( Faster, I would have taken his picture when he was behind you, gone around and got his numbers and reported his sorry a$$ for wreckless boating, endangerment or some kind of chit... If the cops don't want to do anything about it then post the pic all over the internet :-o , you tube or someplace. That is soooo wrong..... :|
If i would have though about it I would of gotten video of it on my phone. :(

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Re: Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead Pics

Post by E_ »

I think this will be great. If anything it will let us get the steam out... lol
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Re: Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead Pics

Post by katie »

FasterThanYou wrote:
katie wrote:X( Faster, I would have taken his picture when he was behind you, gone around and got his numbers and reported his sorry a$$ for wreckless boating, endangerment or some kind of chit... If the cops don't want to do anything about it then post the pic all over the internet :-o , you tube or someplace. That is soooo wrong..... :|
If i would have though about it I would of gotten video of it on my phone. :(

I couldn't believe you didn't, must have been caught up in the moment.... when it comes to the kids, all else escapes your thought processes.
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Re: Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead Pics

Post by jpatton »

This guy was plowing down the race channel.
Plowing Down the Race Channel
Plowing Down the Race Channel
100_2196.JPG (230.99 KiB) Viewed 12927 times
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Re: Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead Pics

Post by E_ »

Good one JP! That was the worse of all of them. THere were boats speeding down the straight stretch and then here comes this guy out in front of them. X( X( X( X( Even if he did not know about the race he was not only in their lane he would have been on the wrong side of the lake for navigation to boot not to mention all the tied up boats he sent rollers to that were much larger than any of the speed boats sent out.
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Re: Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead Pics

Post by $parechange »

What do you expect, he is from Ohio!
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Re: Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead

Post by TN Brian »


this guy was doing laps where a group of boats were making 100+mph passes.

This guy didn't notice the wake :-ss

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Re: Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead

Post by TN Brian »

no caption required :ymcowboy:

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Re: Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead

Post by E_ »

wow, looks like you have your share of them too. :(
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Re: Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead

Post by TN Brian »

LOL, the second post is from LC just minutes before the start of the poker run....There's never a shortage on that day for sure!
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Re: Inconsiderate Boaters / A-hole Boaters/Boating bonehead

Post by crwky »

TN Brian wrote:LOL, the second post is from LC just minutes before the start of the poker run....There's never a shortage on that day for sure!
In that case and I hate to say it but neither of these two are very smart for different reasons :-s :-s
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