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Dog Ramp

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 1:56 pm
by E_
Our puppy is now 10 years old and I am trying to be more aware that he could be more brittle etc. If he rides in the back of the truck I try to back up to a embankment or at least soft ground or I have him walk up to my shoulder and I set him down on the ground.

On the boat I would like to make things more comfortable too by helping him in and out of the water. On the Cuddy he could climb the ladder on his own but this boat's platform is a bit higher and he is a bit older.

Does anyone have a certain type of dog ladder, platform, ramp they use and do they like it?

The paws aboard looks too bulky and I would think puts too much pressure on the ladder.

This one looks pretty good but like most of them is quite high in price Model SLM-12

Thought about this one for the truck and then maybe adding proper floatation to the end for hooking to the middle of the swim platform.. ... mp.32.html
same with this ... 0959801219

Not sure about this ... =82&chn=ps

I looked at them years ago and decided not to spend them money at the time as it wasn't an issue. And it isn't now but I also want to keep him comfortable.

Re: Dog Ramp

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:40 pm
by E_
IMO for a dogs paws this appears to be the best but dang its high priced... ... ime=131867
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I might could get a pet step and attach 2 10" fenders under the end of it. ... B00006OALW ... 0000018905
It doesn't have carpet but rubber instead. Thus it would not suck up water and rot etc. They sell pool legs for it so I assume it would be fine with some water use. For me instead of the pool legs I would find a way to attach fenders or other flotation.
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Re: Dog Ramp - Pet Loader H2O

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:59 pm
by E_

Re: Dog Ramp

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 6:36 pm
by Nebrios
What about using some of that foam thats about two inches thick and rolls up..cant remember the name of it but you see it in a lot of pools for and easy to store..

Re: Dog Ramp

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:32 pm
by E_
Not heavy duty and rigid enough imo

Re: Dog Ramp

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:08 am
by Sunset Lady
I am sure Wally is going to like one of those.
My cat is 13 yrs old and we have stepping stools for
her, because she can no longer jump to the furniture.
The vet says she has arthritis in her back.

I think the blue carpet one looks really nice.

Re: Dog Ramp

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:03 pm
by Nebrios