Happy Birthday Cousin Ronnie!
Moderators: E_, LC addict, FasterThanYou, crwky
- E_
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- Posts: 14826
- Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:26 pm
- Marina/Ramp: Currently mostly out of Jamestown but spend a lot of time at the other Marinas.
Pre2012-Conley Bottom Mostly, Waitsboro, Alligator I&II ramps, Leesford, Pulaski County Park (when it has water), Grider, State Dock (via boat), and Jamestown are a few places you might find me. - Location: Kentucky (Lake Cumberland)
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Happy Birthday Cousin Ronnie!
Happy Birthday!
Buy American, the job you save just might be your own.
Re: Happy Birthday Cousin Ronnie!
Happy Belated Birthday Ronnie!
(hmmm, if the cake fits.... cousin ronnie must enjoy wrestling?? lol)

(hmmm, if the cake fits.... cousin ronnie must enjoy wrestling?? lol)
Even a broken clock is right twice a day 

- Sunset Lady
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- Joined: Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:44 pm
- Location: Kentucky
Re: Happy Birthday Cousin Ronnie!
Happy Birthday !