Obama easing immigration rules for terror supporters.

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Obama easing immigration rules for terror supporters.

Post by Nervous Wreck »

I wish they could impeach his sorry arse! X(

President Obama’s use of an executive directive to ease the rules for people trying to enter the United States or stay in the country even though they have given “limited” support to terrorists or terror groups is causing problems for Republicans working on immigration reform.

"President Obama should be protecting U.S. citizens rather than taking a chance on those who are aiding and abetting terrorist activity and putting Americans at greater risk," says Virginia GOP Rep. Robert Goodlatte, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and part of the GOP House leadership team working on immigration reform.

He and other Republican lawmakers argued that the administration is relaxing rules designed by Congress to protect the country from terrorists.

And Missouri GOP Sen. Roy Blunt on "Fox News Sunday" repeated the concerns of fellow Republicans and others about Obama repeatedly saying that "he can use his pen and his telephone" to work around Congress.

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/02 ... or-terror/
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Re: Obama easing immigration rules for terror supporters.

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Re: Obama easing immigration rules for terror supporters.

Post by Nebrios »

Lets see.....if you hack into a fortune 500 company or Orwellian natured system, youll most likely spend long hard time in prison. RIP aaron Swartz....but if your the president of the Orwellian states you can allow this $h!t.....ugh...
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