I'm dumbfounded.... I'm not sure why I am even putting in 8hrs a day anymore, evidently, our gov't paid employees do not!!! When something is this evident, why doesn't SOMEBODY pay attention??????
Among South Florida's fearless Medicare rip-offs -- and there are thousands -- is the story of Guillermo Denis Gonzalez.
After serving 14 years in prison for murdering a man with a silencer-equipped handgun, Gonzalez decided in 2006 to try the medical supply business.
For $18,000, the Hialeah resident bought a Medicare-licensed company called DG Medical Equipment and within a year he'd submitted $586,953 in false claims for supplies that were never provided to patients.
Medicare, using federal tax dollars, reimbursed Gonzalez $31,442 before he was tracked down and arrested.
Last summer, after pleading guilty to defrauding the government, Gonzalez was marched over to state court to face another murder charge -- this one for allegedly stabbing and dismembering an acquaintance during a monetary dispute. He is scheduled to go on trial next month.
No one familiar with Florida was surprised to learn that a murderer had been welcomed into the health-care trades. Indeed, the most shocking thing about the Gonzalez case was that Medicare hadn't forked over the full half-a-million bucks in bogus claims that he'd sought.
Read more:
http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/07/17/1 ... z0u3dUfq00