Federal Government Orders Bilingual Ballots

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Federal Government Orders Bilingual Ballots

Post by Nervous Wreck »

You no speaka dee anglish...you no votee!! X( Ain't this a bunch of crap! X(

WASHINGTON -- In the run-up to the 2012 elections, the federal government is ordering that 248 counties and other political jurisdictions provide bilingual ballots to Hispanics and other minorities who speak little or no English.

That number is down from a decade ago following the 2000 census, which covered 296 counties in 30 states. In all, more than 1 in 18 jurisdictions must now provide foreign-language assistance in pre-election publicity, voter registration, early voting and absentee applications as well as Election Day balloting.

Effective this week, Hispanics who don't speak English proficiently will be entitled to Spanish-language election material in urban areas of political battleground states including Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wisconsin and Utah, as well as the entire states of California, Florida and Texas. For the first time, people from India will get election material in their native language, in voting precincts in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York, due to their fast population growth.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/10 ... z1alSHxS8j
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Re: Federal Government Orders Bilingual Ballots

Post by $parechange »

This is total BS!. I would be happy to translate for every one of them. Then you all know where their votes will go! LOL!
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Re: Federal Government Orders Bilingual Ballots

Post by E_ »

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Re: Federal Government Orders Bilingual Ballots

Post by katie »

What other country can you go to and expect them to cater to you in your own language?? Next it will be arabic. Oh wait... why in the heck do these people get to vote anyway??? I must be missin somethin.... X(

I say all we need to do now is just wait for them to come to our neighborhood with that broomstick... X( :-s
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