2011 Fall Forum Party Pictures
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:29 am
Here are some low quality cell phone pics. (mostly of the world's longest cornhole tourney... lol)
Rockin Rod's team won by the way! Dang they were good!
Sorry only one pic of LC and it is a head shot. I was forbidden from posting any. So someone else will have to post pics of her
(all timestamps on attachment names are in Central Time)
Beautiful day at the lake JP and LC keeping track of the tournament. We did a double elimination for the first time ever. (doubt we will ever do it again at least with as many participants as we had this party) They did a great job keeping up with it. Playing Cornhole RockinRod vs Islander Cournhole tourney still going and Potluck starting, GREAT MEAL!!!!! At this point I counted around 100 people up on the deck alone and there were still at least that many out on the boatels, dock, etc. Great turnout!
PS the LCK boards are the darker set. They were purdy. Hopefully they are taken care of and see many years of cornhole. lol, for some reason this reminds me of CaddyShack Champoinship Game OSU vs Michigan... lol
Corn Hole Champ Rockin Rod!
Vid of the Party Deck from up the hill
And the party was just getting rolling here.