A little info posted on FB on how the page and groups came to be.

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Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:26 pm
Marina/Ramp: Currently mostly out of Jamestown but spend a lot of time at the other Marinas.

Pre2012-Conley Bottom Mostly, Waitsboro, Alligator I&II ramps, Leesford, Pulaski County Park (when it has water), Grider, State Dock (via boat), and Jamestown are a few places you might find me.
Location: Kentucky (Lake Cumberland)

A little info posted on FB on how the page and groups came to be.

Post by E_ »

Shared the following at https://www.facebook.com/groups/LakeCum ... 4971490801 and wanted to share here as well.

Just wanted to say hi to all the LakeCumberlandBoaters.com members and thank ALL of you that participate, share photos, videos, and even more importantly... HELP others that reach out and need help and do not belittle their question even if it is second nature for you.

If you want to be bored with a history lesson keep reading.. lol But the MAIN point of this post is to celebrate when I first joined a Lake Cumberland "group" and found help and info that I will ever be appreciative for...
On this day 15 years ago I joined a Lake Cumberland forum known as LakeCumberland.com . I was just a couple years into boating on Lake Cumberland and the group was full of fun characters like NearlySatisfied, RockinRod, $pare Change, LC Addict, Re3, BIM, Odyssey, Dolphin, CRWKY, WaterWings, and sooo many others to list and wouldn't try as I would surley miss someone very dear to me. (some are even here and I am very appreciative for their interaction as well as those of you newer to the group.

A little history on this Group is that LakeCumberland.com was a lot like this group in that it was more focused on Lake Cumberland and didn't have much tolerance for the idle chat as Captain Bob would call it there. lol Due to this $pareChange aka Jeffery Fasnacht worked with Boating Today TV to create another side forum that people could cut up etc. on. At some point their show and the website took a dip and the forum there was lost. Due to this and and some "founders" created LakeCumberlandBoaters.com to continue our childish discussions. :-D while still loving LakeCumberland.com for its wealth of info. Sadly Cumberline the owner mistook my intentions and banished me for a while (later before Cumberline passed this was resolved thanks to Captain Bob and some others) ...anyway with Cumberline's passing slowly LakeCumberland.com started to fade especially when its ownership changed hands after the prior partner passed in what my opinion was a very odd transition. There were other side forums like LakeCumberlandLive and a couple others that I and others were members of as well but never really took hold.

With all of that LakeCumberlandBoaters.com/forum took off more, we created different forums within the forums to handle everything from serious lake discussions, tech help, and of course the jokes etc. The Way forums were able to silo off it was easy and those that didn't want to see the other stuff could just ignore it.

Fast forward to 2008 when Facebook was taking off and I created this group. Many at the time said I was crazy and that Facebook would go nowhere and that they would never ever join such a platform. ...lol to those of you reading this. :-p Shortly after Dale Hollow Boaters.com FB group was created also.

As the group took off it became apparent Cumberline's original rules for staying lake Cumberland focused were wise foundations for this group as many were dropping off due to our banter we saw quickly it gave the impression of clicks and wasn't as friendly to new comers which we did not want. As we implemented those policies the need for a "side" group grew and grew as some of us just love to share memes and non boating stuff with our boating friends. Soooo, a memes page was created and named Lake Cumberland Boaters Memes (or something like that) as time progressed pages for Cave Run Boaters, Green River Lake Boaters, Laurel River Lake Boaters, and LBL Kentucky and Barkley Lake Boaters was created and the name of the group continued to change for the Memes page LakeBoaters.net Memes&Other Stuff Page aka the Memes Site as we refer to it here:
The group Lake Cumberland,LBL,Laurel,GreenR,DHollowBoaters com Memes&Other Stuff Page was created Mar 13, 2018, Changed name to LakeBoaters.net Memes&Other Stuff Page Oct 2, 2019, Changed name to Lake Cumberland,LBL,Laurel,GreenR,DHollowBoaters com Memes&Other Stuff Page Aug 7, 2018. lol

The LakeBoaters.net Facebook page was created to Tie us all together and eventually we also added Norris Lake Boaters to our list of Sister Sites. There are even more groups like Lake Cumberland Sea Ray Owners and Lake Cumberland Bayliner owners, and even a Tinder page for us. Those I think are all listed on the LakeBoaters.net page and many are linked here as well.

There are some imposters out there! There are two or three groups that are using our Copyrighted (VA 2-212 785) name LakeCumberlandBoaters.com in their group names. Most left here from sour grapes and we have covered many of those in the past. Sadly there have been some delays in the Trademark side that Wood Herron & Evans LLP has been retained on. But once their part is complete to satisfaction the admins/owners/mods of those groups might have a rude awakening even based on how long they carried that name after being notified by myself. But that part doesn't matter to you. lol Just know they are there and they are NOT part of us if not linked to this group or LakeBoaters.net or listed on the main LakeCumberlandBoaters.com forum somewhere.

At this time in addition to Facebook several of our groups like Lake Cumberland Boaters, the Memes page, Dale Hollow Boaters, etc. are also on Mewe.com if you are there seek us out. I think there is a link to it in the about section in each group if it has a Mewe counterpart. They are especially handy for those that are weary of Facebook or are in FB jail. lol

My main goal with this group and the other Lake Named ones, continues to be to help new boaters or others interested in Lake Cumberland. And then to also establish a community of us where we can share good and bad feedback on businesses, share events, information, get each other through the winter with Lake Pics or winter boat projects. The main groups like this one we want to keep as family friendly as possible so that is why we are so square on things that you wouldn't say or show in a Sunday school class. There are kids that love this group too. Yes we try to stay away from politics UNLESS it directly affects the lake and even them sometimes people get heated and nasty and we have to lock those threads down to maintain decorum. Now I will warn you that the Memes page is a bit Wilder as I needed to give an outlet to those that like to be more. .. ... edgy. lol IT DOES have political arguments, non lake related memes, and anything else you can imagine including some special vids of or by Da Blum that he wouldn't share here. ...so if you love the goat and some others you will find even more there. lol

If you are still awake, feel free to ask any other questions of why or how and I and the Mods will try to answer your questions. If you have suggestions by all means submit for review but please be understanding if we do not follow-through. I have the last couple of months been wondering about the for sale policy.

I still do NOT want to just open it up where this becomes a second hand store etc. but I have thought some about the requirement that you are either a sponsor to the group, have worked out a special discount or give away for the group, or have posted it on the old LakeCumberlandBoaters.com/forum for sale forum and then just share the link to it here. Every once and a while I ponder opening it up to share from our Official for sale group LakeBoaters.net Buy Sell trade page . I still am against direct posts as I see the other groups and all they pretty much are is peddling and many don't really care to see that here as MOST of us know to go check the marketplace anyway. What I want is either people sharing are members of the old group and that alone reduces post or they are contributing to the members of this group as I DO NOT charge for ads etc. I just want those "ads" to benefit the group and its members in some way.

Anyway Happy March 23rd!

Buy American, the job you save just might be your own.
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