Man Hurt In Charcoal Plant Flash Fire Dies

Moderators: E_, LC addict, FasterThanYou, crwky

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Man Hurt In Charcoal Plant Flash Fire Dies

Post by E_ » ... fire-dies/

One of the four workers injured in a flash fire at a southern Kentucky charcoal plant last week has died.

Emergency officials in Pulaski County confirmed that Jerry King died Thursday of his injuries at UK Hospital. King was among four men hurt in the fire that were being treated at UK Hospital. Dana Mayrand, Gayson Roberts and Jamie Dancy remain in serious condition.

The four men suffered burns as well as internal injuries from inhaling heated air and gases when the fire erupted Friday at the Kingsford charcoal plant near Burnside. The plant makes charcoal briquettes.

see more at link above. :(
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Re: Man Hurt In Charcoal Plant Flash Fire Dies

Post by re3too »

That has to be a terrible way to be hurt. Thoughts and prayers are with all of them and their families. :( :(
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