LOVED the new space on the swim platorm (thanks Don!) Did not love losing my stern light to a drunken idiot.
I started out anchored just down from the stage but ended up a little farther by the time people got done squeezing in. Was very glad I listened to everyone and bought the 8" fenders for my boat.
Got to see a lot of our fellow forum friends like JabezBoy, Fall Creek, A4TN, LC ADDICT etc. including the one that pointed me to my boat online. (thanks air0msw) The main part of the rafup went fine (HOWEVER) Getting up as early as I did (4am) to get down there and get there at that time was a
BAD choice as I got
VERY tired by noon

and then I slept through most of the rafup.

I then woke up to the sound of someone walking on top of the cabin of my boat and also to my brother who apparently had been quite ineebriated and was supposedly found and placed on my boat by that same fellow forum member. When I woke up he was in the cabin and was laying across one of the dinging room benches NUDE.

(sure hope he was not like that outside) lol I went outside of the cabin and there was one of my floats with the mesh torn out from the middle and the float was busted. Not sure what happened there. Also the guy on the other side of me had set a back anchor and hooked it to my boat to hold us in place, his line was just left laying on the swim platform by someone and luckily I found it before it fell off and he lost his anchor and line. Anyway I would have been wise to have left then but I didn't so I picked up Bubbles and gave her a ride over to another tie up and found myself on a very "interesting" party tie up of Grider Hellions of which I decided to leave after some of the other forum members left as well but I did not get away soon enough , some guy walked across my boat as Marine Assist stated above and used my anchor light pole as a grab handle bending it/making the light go out + then before I could get to him he tried to screw it down and busted the entire socket out thus I need a new light socket and a new pole.
*Busted Tube/float
*Anchor pole
*Anchor socket
*Slept through afternoon
*No cell phones from about noon through rest of day next morning aside for a brief charge
Then right after that, some guy tied to us tried to leave while tied to our boat (at this point I was losing my cool and since I had not had booze for about 6 hours or more at that point there was nothing to calm me)after some stern exchances to leave their boat out of gear and not move until untied. Finally got untied from him and at that point I took Bubbles back to her boat and I left. There was no moon light just the stars which made for a slow pace back BUT
A BEAUTIFUL view of the meteor showers, about at Camp Early Wallace I got pulled

over because the backup battery operated anchor light was not high enough to be seen. Luckily they saw it and let me go on my way after telling them what happened to the other one. I had not had a drink for about 12 hours at that point even though I sure could have used one and now have confirmation that was a good choice.
From there I went on to the State/JRM harbor- around behind JRM up Greasy Creek and found a nice calm place to anchor away from other people and slept till this morning. Had a nice peaceful morning and didn't see any boats till we rounded back around to JRM. Back home now it was a neat experience but somehow I think I'll have MUCH more fun when I come down soon with my wife and daughter. Guess I've become a old man early on in life.

Buy American, the job you save just might be your own.